Monday, August 23, 2010

Be Water My Friend

Someone once told me that you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make the horse drink. I wholeheartedly agree with this statement yet the implications of this means that we must expect the horse to understand why the water is necessary to their well being. Why does a horse drink? Does it know that it is thirsty? Perhaps their mouth is dry, or throat a little hoarse? (Stick around and you might hear some more of these doozies)

This post is about the affect of intention on water and is a topic I have wanted to post for a long time. I think the significance of what these experiments could mean has the potential to lay a foundation for humans to make a conscious choice between serving that of positive and negative, or good and evil. Therein the free-will when you accept we come down to math and science, however the randomness comes from being aware of what concepts like déjà vu actually infer.

These experiments have the potential to dramatically reduce the frequency that people suffer from various ailments and as a result will allow people to live healthier, longer, and a more youthful life as we make the choice to slow down the speed of death.

I ask you to seriously contemplate this post and even try out the rice test for yourself before you dismiss it. I am aware that there is other Energy at play here which will make it tough for you to sit through this post and be able to retain the information, however if you force yourself to give this topic a fair analysis, the sky is the limit to how much it can change your life for the better.

In these videos you will learn about Dr. Emoto Masaru (for those of you who have heard of him and are skeptical to his work, there is another link I am going to add in this post about a new study named Noetic Science practiced by scientists around the world and even Princeton for example) and see experiments performed by him where water was paid focused intention of words like Love, Happiness, Children, and Soul, and then to show the opposite, words were used like Hate, and Anger. The results were absolutely stunning and seem to reflect the influence focused intention has on water. This is important because we are composed of over fifty percent water which means that we should strive to have a shell around us that is as strong as possible. If we are comprised of broken, fragmented water crystals, we are more susceptible to attacks from different viruses.

"In medicine, body water is all of the water content of the human body. A significant fraction of the human body is water.
Guyton's Textbook of Medical Physiology states that "the total amount of water in a man of average weight (70 kilograms) is approximately 40 liters, averaging 57 percent of his total body weight. In a newborn infant, this may be as high as 75 percent of the body weight, but it progressively decreases from birth to old age, most of the decrease occurring during the first 10 years of life. Also, obesity decreases the percentage of water in the body, sometimes to as low as 45 percent". These figures are statistical averages, so are illustrative, and like all bio-statistics, will vary with things like type of population, age and number of people sampled, and methodology. So there is not, and cannot be, a figure that is exactly the same for all people, for this or any other physiological measure. For example, Jackson's (1985) Anatomy & Physiology for Nurses gives a figure of 60% for the proportion of body-weight attributable to water, which approximates Guyton's 57%.
Regarding specific tissues: Lean muscle tissue contains about 75% water by weight. Blood contains almost 70% water, body fat contains 10% water and bone has 22% water. Skin also contains much water. The human body is about 60% water in adult males and 55% in adult females."
The affect of "thank you":

The affect of "I hate you":

Could someone please send a rough translation of what is being said? I know that they are words from the Quran. Perhaps you could comment below? Thank you very much!

The last video is from this website which I recommend you to read and devour a few times as it is about the extremely needed study named Noetic science. This is based on ancient, mystical, teachings that have begun to be finally scientifically analyzed. This type of information is the very kind that secret societies like the Freemasons teach to their members. This is one more video of an experiment scientifically documented where the intentions of many people around the world to make a leaf glow actually caused a noticeable different, while the control leaf became a dying brown color as it was not included in the thoughts from others.

Going back to the video before the last one, there is a comment below that many people have "thumbs-upped" and I am going to try to explain as best as I can the argument that the person raises. The quote says:

"7 months ago 7 (thumbs up) by cdewd5
If its true that we can affect water crystals with our thoughts and words, then thats amazing. But who's to say that the crystals with the monks blessing are beautiful? Having 'beautiful' crystals would mean that the person has been affected by society and he/she has his/her own perspective of what is beautiful. So if that person had a different idea of what a beautiful crystal would look like and used positive words on the water, would it turn out to what he/she thought of?"

When the word Love (whichever language you speak, it will have the same results) was focused on the water, the crystals appear to be "perfect" and "beautiful" to most people. The crystals are, and this is important, symmetrical, and have an almost always equal hexagonal geometric shape to them. If you look at a snowflake, they are symmetrical and have equal attributes on all sides. This appearance without irregular deformities is what many consider to be beautiful. This has nothing to do with society, it is just an equal, "right" aspect to these water crystals of what is trying to be expressed.

Philosophy will have the question asked, what if the shape that was created when the word Hate was used is considered by some to be the most beautiful. This is a fair argument, however we can see that the shape is not an identifiable shape, it is completely askew, and is definitely not symmetrical. Now we have a situation where people will say, "So what? That is exactly how I want life to be. Where the shapes do not look like all the other ones. It represents myself as a different person." What you forget is that no water crystal will ever be the exact same as any crystal ever created like a snow flake. On the most microscopic level which is infinitely smaller, each crystal is extremely different and has their own special attributes.

I hope that this next part will be able to explain what is considered to be right and what is wrong. I apologize to anyone that this offends as it may cause you to examine your daily actions. There are people in this world who keep silent about what they can see or feel. For many of them they believe that what they live with is completely normal and everyone else is the same way. Unfortunately this is not the case and as a result of this assumption, these people must struggle and try to understand why is it that they feel and see such negatives thoughts and emotions from others. There are people who can feel and see colours around you in an egg shape which has been called an Aura. There is a lot of proof out there that they do indeed exist. If you are interested in this topic I do hope that one day someone comes up to you and says, "You have an Aura like none I have ever seen before." There is also technology that will take pictures of your Aura so that you can see what type of colours make up your own. The colours have a different meaning. For example yellow or gold would be found around a very free-loving spirit and someone would see a muddy red around someone with a lot of anger inside of them. I once asked a friend I had met and became close with through different Spiritual conversations, what colour someone specifically had. This was a person I had seen around Banff, Alberta quite frequently when I lived there, and I figured by his actions to others he would have a damaged Aura. My friend looked at him for a bit and told me there was a lot of dark, dirty, red around him. It was not until I had met my friend that he decided to look into the colours and the meaning. He had never really talked about it to anyone and told me I was one the first person to get him to think about the meanings. He had always assumed people were like that.

How does this relate to what the quote said? This is my answer to the philosophical, "my opinion of beautiful is different than yours" argument. The people that can see Auras know when you are happy, sad, truthful, lying, aroused, sick, or dying for example. They can see animals and know when they are comfortable, uncomfortable, hungry, agitated, happy, or sad. These people know when you lie, or embellish your stories to others in public. It is extremely painful for these people to go through life as they can not even sit on a bus without looking around and seeing all the people who are so damaged, depressed, angry, and lost. It is like walking around in a world full of Aliens to them. Just for a second, try to imagine yourself constantly being bombarded with the disgusting thoughts that many people conjure up in their heads. Imagine trying to make friends with a stranger and being able to know the moment they might cross you. The moment someone feigns interest in what you have to say, the moment someone lies over something that to them does not seem like a big deal, but you have to accept that this person can lie.

Constantly people that can sense Auras feel overwhelmed and consumed by words like hate, and anger. If there are people out there that feel sick and uncomfortable by such words, then I can only believe that these are words that are not proper and desirable ways of life. These people can see when someone is clouded with hate, and they know that they are not healthy, and much of the time are actually quite sick and susceptible to disease. We are not meant to live with some argument that perhaps "my" view of "beauty" can be reflected by the water crystal that is deformed and not symmetrical because I am non-conforming and misunderstood. If you feel this way, perhaps you could be the next adolf hitler, as his water crystal was one of the most dirty and disgusting examples shown. If this is the case, please do me a favour and delete me from your facebook, phone, and any other way we know each other, but through this interconnected hologram. You can get indignant with me for comparing someone "different" potentially as adolf hitler, however you clearly do not understand and missed what is being said in this post. Just remember, the next time you talk about your heroes being Gandhi, Bob Marley, or John Lennon, understand that someone who labels a bottle with those names will create water-crystals that are beautiful to most people (except your non-conforming self), that appear symmetrical, and equal. I am going to stand up for every person who is considered weak for being the nice person. Enough of the judgmental "cool" mentality. It is destructive for yourself, your family, all the people in this world, animals, insects, and plants. Stop polishing your shell, and begin to feel what it means to be truly powerful.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pop culture is actually FUCKED. everything you talked to me about is getting worse, barely any subtlety anymore.
music videos are so fucking scary. britney circa 2000... thats whats scary. the "themes" are the same, its not like this has been an artistic-direction trend within the last couple years based on conspiracies. this shit has been consistent throughout the last couple generations. and its like theyre not even bothering to hide it anymore. whatever they planned to do worked, and is working, and not enough people will listen cause its "crazy".
lol karma you bitch.